2day quite ok lah nthg much juz as usual ! bt 2day keep on raining tats wat i know n raymus dint come 2 skul 2day oso i guess he fever n these days alot ppl gt sick . all th teacher gave us advise 2 drink more water n take care ur self . haiz this H1N1 kill alot of ppl d alomost 60 sumthg d. we 2day cancelled th perhimpunan so all period at 5 more minute n pn. phang period gt three then all 2gether add 15 minute !!!! OMG owell nvm tat then in moral period kinda suffer over there !!! moral we nid 2 go other clases so i joined 2D ! n this wednesday nid sing th lagu patriotik n is like competition i guess..... then 2D sum of th ppl doent seems like 2 cooperate with th class so kinda v. fustrating our teacher oso say:[this class arh haiz dunno how 2 pronounce. 2K is much more better than this class.] after tat we had PJK bt is still rainning then teacher say muz w8 until th rain stop oni can play ! then we w8 lah siting in th canteen n talk bout songs, gossip n lots n lots. then finaly th rain has stopped then we hurry call z.y go ask teacher 4 a ball ! then we gt socerball ohwell nvm atleast we get 2 play ^^ then we play socer lo. while we were playin suddenly pn. lau shouot frm th block were th guru pejabat is she say dun play over tat side there gt teacher's car u know !!!!!!! pn.lau juz care bout her frm nt being "hurt" by th socerball tat we kick bt when pn.lau nt around .....guo zhi suddenly kick th ball n hit pn.lau's car n frm th boot rolled until th front there luckly th mirror din't pecah HAHA if pecah d guo zhi in big trouble!!!! tats all wat happeneds 2day nthg 2 say d haiz i try find more thgs 2 update my blog well enjoy ^^this song ZERO GRAVTY press it!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
this anime i've been watching since last year n is kinda cool n alot of awsome things in there, such as their magical powers, attacks n their intelegent device which is th most common wan RAGING HEART as wat they called !!!! n i found this show n is a part of that anime n is about a girl who named VIVIO which get reset or reformat as a tool 2 destroy n kill bt although she has been changed by doctor sgallieti bt vivio still have th feeling that she used 2 be!!!! and Takamachi Nanoha is tryin 2 save her n nanoha was Vivio's temporally mother !!!! vivio is suffering but nanoha will do anythg 2 save vivio !!!! is juz like mother saving her child !!!! here is th link 2 th video [NANOHA RESCUING VIVIO]

Thursday, August 6, 2009
2day wheather was quite ok . n gt ictl lesson then rush 2 skul 4 ictl lesson. then alot ppl dint come...oh wells when i walk in 2 ictl room wan get a comp 2 use . suddenly this guy juz bumped in n sit bside me !!! n say hlp me draw a sample 4 psv exam wan no.6 wan . ok fine then i ask him u hlp me do th ictl thg lo then i draw then finnish d dunno he accept or nt lah . then another wan come n ask eh eh how 2 draw arh ???? like i'm th genius everythg oso know how 2 draw !!!! walau A then i dun reli mind lah juz hlp oni lah ok tat was juz fine !!!! WHEN go back 2 class everybody come n ask hibiscus how 2 draw ????? th flower moster how 2 draw? the wicked tree how 2 draw ???? fish how 2 draw ??? havent decide wat which wan wan 2 draw !!!! which is th easiest wan ????? = = OMG y every1 come n ask me bout art wan when normal day dint saw u all come n ask this ask tat when art exam oni come n this how arh tat wan hw arh ? !!! think i'm wat fine nvm tat then when i wan 2 take out my drawing tools suddenly i can't find my brush then i juz realize i left it at home OMG .... then no choice go borrow ppl's wan luckly shaqikah lend me her brush [thx very much !!!! u juz save my life] bt her brush is nt my type i use those brush tat is like th brush tat do kaligraph wan bt her wan is flat wan bt nvm atleast i get 2 use in psv test bt colour colour colour until like OMG nt enough time d then ask chanel can borrow me 1 of ur brush cz her's wan is like mine so i know how 2 use th flat wan ........ bo hiao !!!! then lend her brush n i get 2 finish it by time !!! phew luckly.... bt i colour untill like nt so gud bt i guess ok lah i bet jack wann's de art nicer than mine cz mine abit messy !!!! is bcz i rush !!!! well nvm then is like tat de if u dint bring ur thgs u hav 2 use th thg tat u do nt know how 2 use !!! bt finaly exam over !!! can relax d ahhhhhh no more stress so gud bt tmr still nid go skul :( haiz v. tierd leh mayb tmr i will fell a slep in class hope so wont lah. well nth uh juz wish u all get better result this time. BYE~~~ may GOD OR DOG BLEESSED U ^^
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