Sunday, February 13, 2011
What A YEAR! & What A FRIEND~
A lot of things has happened lately, and i'm trying to revive my blog! well let's start from the beginning of this year. erm let's see beginning of the year, 1st day of school.... we were separated to different class now. theres pure-science, sub-science and art stream. my class 3K have separated, some transfer school, i missed them alot and i will never forget them. and next is about the 1st activity of kokurikulum. I joined st.john for two years and plus this year should be 3 years ... well 1st activity not bad saw a lot of junior quite happy ^^ and erm 1st day of activity got someone injured~ thats a sad news well anyway let's proceed to the next one that would be about my life this year... i got into sub-science class which is 4G now... and OMG i don't even understand one bit about add maths well not exactly that worst, easy topic of course understand hard one oh my gosh~ somemore chemistry, physics, modern maths, history and more.... looks like i had a tough year... 2011 what a busy year for me. and next is chinese new year ~ yeah i had fun but also boring at some moments. before chinese new year we must have a reunion dinner with our relatives. thats our tradition .... and i went to cameron highland for holiday and stay at century pines resort. and is quite big the room .. i like it but the only thing is when i want to use internet i have go down to the lobby cannot online in room so sad and very uncomfortable. after chinese new year back to original life.... that sis going back to school... my busy life starts again. oh i forgot on the January of 29 a st.john competition has held at smk seafield. and smk seafield's nursing cadet and nursing adult have won the prizes and we were so happy till our tears came off.... and blah blah blah too long lah the story.... and yesterday was the 2nd activity of kokurikulum and i'm a faci for group 8 and i have to teach them foot drill but i was like too soft i think i have to learn how to be strict.... but haiz i can't i memang that soft and kind.... well yesterday i don't think i teach well to the juniors so i'll try my best again next activity... and i don't know why but these days i'm like getting hurt .... i don't know how to describe but i feel the pain inside~ or maybe is just my mood not so good or maybe i'm just tired i'm not sure but is kinda really hurt in there. but theres always some people will make me laugh make me feel happy again when i'm sad, frustrated, stress.... i'm happy to have you guys as friend thanks for the care and i love you all as one big family ^^ thank you seng hou, you were always there for when i needed your help, and i shuen always put a smiley face on it makes everyone happy all the time same as weng xing haha the most perasan one ^^ makes him so funny when he act ^^ thank you, and yi heng haha i just know you since this year starts, what i know is that you are a very funny kind of person your blur blur action makes me laugh ^^ thank you, and zian xiang haha everytime ISH here ISH there de^^ haha very funny lah you... thank you all of you and alot more that i didn't mentioned i'm also very happy that i have you as my friend and i'll never forget it^^ thanks everyone~ I LOVE YOU ALL
Thursday, April 1, 2010
today ! is A bad day i think O.O?
Today, went to school by 7.10am..... reach there and straight away go st john room ! everyday did so ~ .... yesterday st john marching was OMG !!!! get hukuman so many times until leg pain !!!!! i don't know why lah ! like keep on making mistakes!!!! i don't want to but haiz... like can't control .... still got some arahan that i don't get use to it ! so make a wrong trun and whole group kena !!! haiz so so so sorry that i made you all into hukuman !!! so sorry ! if can i don't want to march ! duty i like to do but marching i don't like it very much ! LOL~ but st john i think got alot people cannot come for marching so they choose some of us into marching !!!! haiz ...why i kena leh ?.... so today was quite ok~ till they ask us 2 sit on the floor to read books~! so called baca ria !!!! <---- hate it so much !!!!the floor was wet !!! and the teachers don't even want to let us sit at the canteen ! expect us to sit on those corridor ! hello ! so many people step before ! ask us to sit !!! what if someone step a shit and walk pass there ?!!!! ask us to sit ? crazy ~~~ well i sat in the floor which is quite dry !!!! but i chosen the wrong spot !!! the sunlight OMG !!!! shining straight towards me !!!! walao A so hot !!!!! sweat a lot !!!==!!! then went back to class.... then start lessons~~~ 1st was BM so sien !!! then science !!!! teach reproduction !!! and someone just had to make it so ~~~~~make other people think other way !!!! thats is guo zhi who make the whole class laugh !!!! cz of his ......(you know what i'm talking about) then teacher like haiz ..... so tired to teach this chapter !!! cz of guo zhi !!! then is rehat time !!! su ann & ngee jin ask jack wann to buy nugget !!! cz they have some REASON for not going to canteen !!!! oh well never mind~ buy for them lo! then jennifer told me that she was not happy !!! ask me to buy sweet for her ! i said o.....K then i ask su ann buy a chocolate for her ! cost 3 bucks ! i think i should buy 2.70 that one ! the 3 bucks one damn sweet weih !!!! i never ate a chocolate that sweet before !!!!! taste a bit honey i guess ? don't care ! then rehat time over !!! is maths time !!! OMG !!!! Pn. nagesswary~~~ what ever !don't know how to spell !!! then geo !!!! geo quite ok but su ann say haiz sien arh !!! ya abit lah !!! ^^ then BI !!!! ho ho ho !!! this one interesting lo !!!! Pn. Sharizard ask us to split into two group and debate in a informal debate!!! ok then i'm in the agree group !!! the title was school life something~~~something~~~ real world !!! forget d !!!! but it was a very nice topic ! then we think think think !!!! then later we gave our point !!! then luckily marion cme back !!! HAHAHA yes !!!! the (LOUD SPEAKER) is back !!!! woah !!!! when marion speaks !!! ho ho ho like a war !!!! debate here debate there ~almost had a fight !!!!! teacher also beh tahan d !!! then stop their debating !!!! almost out of control !! want to fight d !!! can watch show lo !!!^^ no lah if they really gonna fight i think i also will go there and then stop their mouth !!! with tape !!! PRO !!!! JK JK !!! then is time to go back home !!!! haha today like nothing special happens !!!! haiz........... sad sad sad !!! oh one more !!! philip act crying !!!! he force himself to cry !!!! i think !!!! i saw his tears coming out from his eyes !!!!! (close view) cz we sat together in a group for debate ! thats all i think !!! i think my title not match also !!!! aiyah ! don't care lah !!! BYE~
Friday, March 19, 2010
WISH @ H@PpY BiRthD@y To MY Friends~
Today was my friends birthday! there are two of them ! one from primary school until now she was at SU and another one is from SMK Seafield . the one from SU i haven't seen her for a long time since last year LICK HUNG family day ! her name is Lim Pui Yi , last time in primary school i remeber someone like her alot . forgot who is that already.... i think is zheng yi if i'm not mistaken.... now zy gt new TARGET lo....
This is Pui Yi that I've mentioned just now
Now the other one who is also celebrating his birthday today is Raymus Hoo chun Hong. Who study in my class in SMK Seafiled . sometimes , this guy is a bit annoying.... most of the guys doesn't like him is because of his attitude... some "GIRLS" also doesn't like him that much .... haiz pity him lah .... actually , he's been trying to change himself but he needs time... but i guess alot people don't understand him.... now days.... he seldom laugh, smile in school .... he just ... look so cool... sometimes even emoing in class....
like THIS photo... look at his smiling face .... LOOKS abit..... unhappy! too cool!
And This is when he EMOing ...... looks sad....=(
hope he get to be happy again... don't always put a sad face on it...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
ON the way TO Philip's HOUSE~
Today , me, Jack Wann & Wee Ren were planing to go Philip's house after school for sivik project ... then ON THE WAY TO PHILIP"S HOUSE... when we are about to cross the road... wee ren suddenly say go .... then Philip walk out and without looking left & right first !!! PHILIP ALMOST GOT BANG BY A CAR ... LUCKILY THAT THE CAR DRIVER HIT THE BREAK ON TIME ... OR PHILIP WILL BE AT THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW.... it was scary... cause it was right in front of our very own eyes... Philip also felt panic when he saw the car ..... we also felt panic too... cause don't know what to do ..... actually wee ren was about to call him ... but his reaction too slow!!! Philip just stand there... staring at the car with big eyes.... then he walk to a side... the car go away.. then he stare at wee ren .... like want to hit wee ren cause of his wrong saying... ( go )==" but that was scary.... even us also get scared by that incident... luckily Philip didn't get knock by that car or i also don't know what to do ..... very panic....if Philip really got bang by that car i think he will passes out .... should performed CPR i think..IF i were in a calm emotion .....then we walk over the road .... go to Philip's house and i forgot that Philip's house had a dog named MOLLY or MOLI??? don't know lah ..... that dog arh !!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! she go sniff my bottle and lick it !!!!! even my pants also she thinks yummy==" my bottle !!!!!! :( eww a lot of her smell !!! yucks! when we walk in to his house that dog follow us !!!! and philip ask ren to lie down .... the dog go licked wee ren every where... wee ren smells like wet dog ....haha!! me? felt very scare when she came up to me !!!!! she go hop on my lap n licked !!!! if Philip didn't call her go out... i will scream !!!!!! cause she is scary !!!! i like puppy more than dog now !!!! then we call MC DELIVERY =) zheng yi ask us to buy for him BIG MAC 1 SET !!! but he so long never come we ate finished his french fries ...... n abit of coke ....=D then we started to do project.... comp lagging.... =="" then alot of interesting stuff that philip did.... don't wanna talk to much about this .... i'll keep it as secret >< ok i think thats all...then i walk home alone AGAIN.... sad no one accompany me..... like last time== go find ken's house only know how to go back home!!! thats it for today .... until next time .....
Monday, March 8, 2010
update & about today~
so long didn't update already !!!! today went to school as usual .... now days i walk to school .... because i moved here! hmm lets see what happened today in school ? umm looks like theres nothing happened .... oh yes there are.... timetable changed! teacher changed! some teacher didn't come ! and sivik teacher also change already ! psv teacher OMG !!! talk so soft !!!!! can't hear anything she said if the whole class talking .... i got 67 for psv !!! plus homework mark all together is 86 !!! but still got 3 or 4 people higher than me ... oh ya! we have 3 people became pengawas percubaan !!! today was their first duty !!! that was tze ken, min rui and zheng yi. zheng yi sure won't last that long de haha! and today we were like interested in singing those chinese song ... don't know why lah ? suddenly felt like singing ... alyssa also sing ... but the song i sing she sing until ... i don't know how to say ... i have no comment.. but mei yee have some .... for me leh i think ok .... or better than me .... but seriously the song was nice .... a lot of chinese song were nice but everytime don't know what's the song title...==" then alyssa asked me to teach her how to sing that song i sang ... then sure sit together de mah ... that stupid raymus go say what couple with who who who larh ...stupid fox! tomorrow he's gonna get from me !!! on his birthday splash him !!! must remember !!! i heard that st john now is training marching .... hope they won't pick me cause i still have to march for green house !!! don't know got duty or not when after green house marching on sports day !!! if have then sure very tired!!! haiz... sports day comming soon .... exam also ... midterm exam .... i didn't take a lot of exam cause of fever din't come school !!! luckly thursday recover a lot ! then i sit for psv at thursday .... but a lot people say i thursday come cause of psv !!! actually is not because of psv !!! if i din't come exam what i do at home ? i recover from fever already ... expect me sit at home do nothing like a stone? i can't do it ... still got project argh !!!! damn a lot weih !!!! sivik, sejarah, psv .... later don't what project come out .... hmm i felt something wrong is going on in our class these days... i also felt that when i speak out or talk or whatever... like will hurt people's feelings ... i also think that way but i tried to change but it keep happening .... i tried not to talk but i can't ... haiz ... if i do talk something which really hurts you , i hope for forgiveness ... thats all for today ..... later still got tuition ... bye bye....
Monday, November 23, 2009
yesterday we were having a gathering of 6H and quite alot people came . but some how the gathering umm didn't go well , we were seperated to 2 groups . some boys go the other place some boys and the girls go watch movie, shopping, walking around, and the most important is our special guest arrive. that is ler eng who transfer school to sabah since standard 6 and yesterday she came and joined us and they are two more person, another boy named guang zhong who was living in penang , just came here from penang and have fun with us the other boy was change to M class since standard 3 but is also consider H class member so i invited him over. 1st we were waiting or others 2 come when almost all of the people came then we go eat . some go asian avenue eat some go what BBQ eat n some go McD eat. haiz....... were seperated. then we were having taking photo period . i'm not involve!!!! they go buy token or something n put it into the machine and start snapping picture of them and edit some weird pattern on it. then our special guest wants to go home already sad...sad...sad... . so left dunno how many? dint count! then we seperate and some go arcade n cc and some go watch movie n while waiting the time of movie start we go walk around and some go shopping . then is time for the movie start but we had a little tiny problem ! tze yun help us buy the tickets for the show and we pay her $$$$ but ended up she din't bought for herself ! what a careless person haiz... luckly the show havent start n we all take our sit and enjoy the show! the show we watched is A Christmas Carol! nt bad lah but kinda scary plus inside is very very cold ! until i gt cramp for awhile! these are the pictures i took .
kien how go use the cap of the coke go take the chili sos! see damed much until knot finish !
kien how buy small kid punya lunch! Happy Meal !!!!
Eugene drinking while pointing middle finger !!!!! bad boy !
our special guest haha.
the five school girls!
5 girls 1 boy O.o!
are they getting married ? haha lol jk!
(lee ler eng........len jhern jet)
discussing where to go after the show but ......

(lee ler eng........len jhern jet)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
sorry for didn't update the blog. yesterday i went school with a happy feeling kind of . but it ended up sad feeling when going back home i don't know why but it seems everyday is the same feeling. yesterday we played some games but i don't feel like playing because of the test paper. and for sure next year i'm gonna change class , and i'm miss them already , i've been thinking what if i realy change class that i won't be seeing them anymore. what if i change to the class that i don't know anyone , i'll be lonely ......... i can't beleive that i fail so many subject this is the first time . i wish there was a miracle, i wish that i have three wishes that helps me solve my problems , which able to let me stay with my friends and have fun . i realy like this class alot i don't wanna change class i miss this class i realy do . but i can't change the fact , this class will be gone next year. there will be no more K class. i realy do miss every one of them except "chou dou fu" everyone gave me some happy memory that i won't forget , like they will support me to do a thing and help me when i have problems that i can't solve, they cheer me up when i'm in a sad mood , when i'm sick they will asked me wheter need tell teacher or not to let me rest , they care for each other. this is what friends do , theres a idiom about friends:" friend in need is a friend indeed" which means when you need help your friends come and help out , thats a true friend. i will never forget all of them that gave me such a wonderful memories. i hope i won't change class.
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