Tuesday, June 30, 2009
2day it was a fine day n th pre sale we had 2 day wow is reli supprising we sell soth drinks 2 day n we sold it 1 cup for 1 buck n th weather is quite hot so alot ppl will feel thristy so drinks will b th perfect cure . then we get rm 100 something i think more than tat n we delivered th dragon fruit 2 th teacher tat has taken order n we also sell mangosteen 2 th teacher hu wants it then we gt 4 packs n each pack is 2kg we sell 4 rm 8 n like alot of teacher LOVE mangosteen escpecialy pn. tah wow we din told her bout mangosteen stuff bt she knw tat we sell wow does pn Tah hav psychic ? so we finish selling th drinks n th fruits . then we headed 2 pjk n hoho this is th nice part !!!!! my new enemy gt striked by a soccer ball. 1 of my fren he kick th ball so hard n a direct hit on my new enemy face wow i'm so happy tat he get tat hit hahaha ! this wat we cal 活该 or 该死 thx 2 my fren he hlp me revenge haha tats gud 4 u ! u stupid enemy say somemore bad bout me lah then u get suffer by ......................... th god will stand on my side so u better surrender or run as fast as u can hahaha th god will punish u 4 wat u did 2 me hahahahahahahahahahaha i'm evil rite ?
Monday, June 29, 2009
pre-sale 4 carnival n meet New ENEMY!!!!
2day was fine n me n some of my friend go hlp teacher packing th food tat we nid 2 sell 2day. we were supose 2 sell fruit but it ended up selling potato chips ! cuz teacher gt nt enough time 2 buy fruit so we use potato chips 2 sell 1st only 4 2day !!!!! we pack th potato chips at the KH bengkel tat looks like a kitchen. the potato chips hav 2 flavours theres chicken n spicy wan !! n while we were packing we curi curi take some of th chips n eat !!! and it was so nice th taste especialy th chicken flavour wan. then when form 1 rehat . is time 4 us 2 sell then we headed 2 th corridor bside th canteen n we started 2 sell n we sell 1 pack for 2 bucks n 2 packs for 3 bucks but it seems like no 1 wan 2 buy cuz is expensive we thought oso bt teacher wont let us cut th price !!! then when things turn bad we had no choice we explain 2 teacher n she agree with us n cut th price . so we sell it 1 pack for 1 dollar is consider cheap d n all of a sudden things turn out good again. then we keep on having customers !!! come 2 buy our potato chips n we sold all th potato chips nt even half hour like 15 minutes then all hav been sold out !!! wow marion's idea was 1 in a million then i count how much we get woah we get 77 bucks hurray !!! teacher was happy tooo n we all oso happy cuz we get so much wow !!! tmr we are goin 2 sell fruits hehe then we can curi curi eat the fruits haha no lah juz jokin. we eat a little oni nt much AND GUESS WAT I JUZ ADDED A NEW ENEMY N TAT ENEMY IS VERY ANNOYING N KEEP ON INSULTING PPL !!!!!!!! ONE DAY HE WILL REPAY WAT HE DID 2 ME STUPID ENEMY THIS WAN IS I HATE THE MOST MORE THAN THE OTHER 2 hope he fall down frm th stair case n bye bye 4eva dun wan 2 talk with him i'm nt goin 2 answer his question nt even 1 !!!!!! sry i'm a little mad here Bcuz of him argh feel like wan kill him haiz but i cant nvm i'll b patient wait n c !!! let the show begin lets c hu is th winner hahaha lol !!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
school reopen !!! like a busy man AGAIN!!!
Haiz haiz haiz school has reopen !!! wat am i goin 2 do ? i like hav alot of work need 2 do in school !!!!! need catch up home work do this do that walau eh too strees lah !!!but in school i still hav some enjoyment of cors but not too much .. haha my school will b having a karnival at july 5th n now days we ara planing 2 do something like planing a game that use 2 play at that day n selling juice or food ? well teacher ask the boys 2 bring 1 pack of sugar n 2 watermellons ! each of th boys nid 2 bring TWO watermellons AND a pack of SUGAR !!!! is imposiible that we can find watermellons now i mean there are some1 who sell outside but hard 2 find a nice nice wan so we plan 2 let zheng yi handle that all of it, juz nid 2 pay him n let him do th job,that will b much more easier. haha c if he wan or nt since he so like 2 care bout this stuff !! wah v. busy arr these days go back shcool gt home work need do again haiz n th exam comin AGAIN haiz ........ hope this time can get higher marks ... oops i still hav home work havent finish i'll stop at here bye~~~~
Friday, June 12, 2009
6H gathering !! at june 7th 2009!!!

but the most enjoyable day is at pulau redang waaah miss tat day so mcuh wish can go again hope my fren will go agian hav fun again !!! ^^

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
pulau redang memories:-) 美好的回忆^.^

THIS IS THE MEMORIES IN PULAU REDANG ^^ ! HOPE WE CAN GO AGAIN SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN HAVING FUN AT THE BEACH AND WE SAW 蓝眼泪 at the beach at night.having a great time there . Is fun and we get to see those fishes when we go snorkeling! This is the SPIRIT of FRIENDSHIP having fun together this is what friends are for bring you happiness enjoy the DAY. And we din't think about that shuang yi so good at playing snooker or what ever it called ! shou heng only score a few, shuang yi score the most and shou heng and i like unbelieveable that he
can score so many ! Wow he sure is a good player for a beginner ^.^is friend important to you ? my answer is yes! whats your answer? friends will lead you to happiness ! when you are in trouble your friend will help you won't they ? friend in need is a friend indeed i'm sure everyone know what this idiom means ! that is why friends are important to us ! and when they in trouble we did the same thing to them ! helping each other ! this is truly what friends are for ! the picture beside shows how fun it can be when you're having fun with friends !
arrived at pulau redang !

waaaaah after a few hours sitting th bus we came down and had our breakfast at terengganu then we take a boat to pulau redang n it takes 1 n half hour oni get there then we finaly arrived at pulau redang n th sand is v. soft v. comfortable . then we head 2 lobby n w8 4 th room keys 2 go our room while we were waiting looks lyk some1 feels bored^^ that is Tan Shou Heng and Liang Shuang Yi sitting there nth 2 do then sleep loh. I gotta admit they are tired so rest at the sofa there after tat they will b like hyper active when we arrive at the snorkeling spot . ^^
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