we had a gathering 4 6H but there were 10 people attended the gathering only well never mind at least got people so the boys go cc when they arrive !! then i have sum things 2 do so i late a bit oni go then yoong yin, mei xin n teng yi say they have waited for so long n they wan me 2 belanja them drinks then nevermind loh since they came early so gud no nid me 2 wait them so i belanja lo then waiting 4 tze yun come n tracy n 1 more boy zheng yi . Eugene, steve, ying kent hav arrive but they walk away by their self 2 go cc n they pay for 3hours game haiz no idea loh then zheng yi go join them !!! haiz left me alone with the girls so sad x( then the girls n i 2gether go arcade there loh oni there can play! spend our time while waiting 4 the boys !!!! then we played th race car game with link system n we had a race !!! yoong yin !!! i'm so supprise tat she can bang my car until can do summersault wateva u called tat juz flew n flip, my car badly damage bcuz of yoong yin n she get 1st place n i was shock !!!!! well nevermind tat we continue playing woah i starting 2 enjoy tat game it was totally fun. then tze yun gt another gahering with her fren from subang utama !!! she go watch movie then we still continue playing cuz th boyz havent come back then finally sum wan say hungry d wan go eat then go loh the girlz buy 1 big bowl of ice cream n share share eat wah so enjoy hor !!! it look delicious but i'm a boy can't join them nvm lah go buy a small cup wan hmm tat taste ok so we called the boys when we had our lunch n we ask steve : hey, u wan 2 eat or nt ? still gt how many hours? dun wan join us eating arr ?then steve reply aiyah still playin lah (da bao) food 4 me ) then we dont care loh n we hav no $ 2 "da bao" 4 him !!! then finaly thay say cc tmes up where 2 meet then i say go arcade there !!! n 1 thing i can't believe is thay were faster then us we were at sunway inside d but they from outside comin in n so fast reach the arcade there wow they can fly wan arr ? So every1 is here then we go play arcade again woah this time yoong yin can't get 1st place d cuz zheng yi's here haha but i get 1st place oni once other round if nt yoong yin get then zheng yi lo !!! this 2 arr haiz....... then sum how kindda felt bored so dun wan play d but zheng yi still wan 2 play n his bag is with us then we wan 2 play him so we left him at the arcade n run away haha then we walk walk walk ............... n zheng yi keep calling then i put silence mode then zheng yi call eugene then i say dun answer !!!!! then he sms no 1 wan 2 reply haha then th boys feel hungry d then go 2 jusco food court there n eat th boys say hungry rite but they go buy ice kacang oni i duuno they reli hungry or play play oni hungry eat ice kacang then can d wor !wah they so pro wan ooorr ice kacang1 bowl then full d wow! then eugene say v. annoying arr this zheng yi n he say pity him sms him back lah wah eugene so gud wan wor fine i respect his suggestion then i use his phone sms zheng yi n say eating let him come find us haha but din know zheng yi is a gud finder he found usat jusco food court there haiz game over d !!!!!!then time flow faster is already 5 sumthg d sum say wan go back d sum say 6.00 sum say 6.30 oni go back i hav 2 responsible 4 their safety so i'm the last hu go back haiz so kesian ):( but ok lah i hav fun n enjoy the day !!!!! BRANDON the oerganizer din't come u owe me AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hav 2 lead them n responsible 4 their safety th job so big !!!!!!!!!!!! barndon next time gathering if u din go u will get from me !!!!!!!! every1 seems 2 b different d oni steve n ying kent like still the same but of cors they old d haha! eugene chg his hair style n every1 was shock but oni mei xin not supprise cuz she same skul with eugene their class is neighbour !!! alot ppl ask y ur hair style like tat wan euegne like nt shuang d he say cannot meh !!! but is a bit funny bout his hair style yoong yin oso long hair d teng yi oso haiz ........ every 1 hav their own path 2 go foward 2 take on new challenge !!! hope they will succeed so as u !!!!
but the most enjoyable day is at pulau redang waaah miss tat day so mcuh wish can go again hope my fren will go agian hav fun again !!! ^^
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